Tullian Tchividjian: Further Accusations and Important Resources

My readers are no doubt aware that I have dedicated significant time to analyzing the many abuses of Tullian Tchividjian.  I have offered both analysis (here and here) and victim narratives (here and here).  Today, I want to highlight the very important work of Julie Anne and Brad Sargent, the architects of the blog Spiritual Sounding Board. 

First, I want to be sure to highlight the superb resource library they have put together on Tullian Tchivdjian. If you are unfamiliar with Tullian, his ministry, or the many scandals that have surrounded him over the years, this resource provides a comprehensive list of must read articles and blog posts.

Resource Bibliography on System Issues Related to the Tullian Tchividjian Situation

Second, I want to bring the reader’s attention to the timeline of events that Julie Anne and Brad have put together.  This timeline helps to highlight the many women Tullian has been accused of abusing, and shows the times and places in which their stories overlap.

Tullian Tchividjian – Partial Timeline of Alleged Clergy Sexual Abuse and Spiritual Abuse

The third and fourth posts I want to draw your attention to are the most important of all.  These posts recount the story of Rachel.  Rachel is the woman with whom Tullian engaged in pastoral sexual misconduct in 2015 (“Sue” in Kara’s narrative), leading to his resignation from Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church.  In these two posts Rachel recounts, in her own words, a number of allegations of abuse against Tullian Tchividjian.

The content of these posts is nothing short of damning.  Excerpts have been provided below, followed by a link to their respective sources.

Each time I created distance, Tullian pursued me with more intensity. He seemed frenetic and was not handling himself well emotionally. I felt very sorry for him. He texted me constantly, leaning hard on me all hours of the day and night. He had no regard for my family life or other obligations, and I felt obliged to be at his beck and call “in service to the gospel.” I was exhausted and overwhelmed. But I tried to believe the best about him always, doubting myself instead.

Survivor of Tullian Tchividjian’s Alleged Clergy Sexual Abuse Goes Public with Her Story – Part 1


On one memorable occasion around that time, Scotty Smith and his wife went to counsel Kim and Tullian at their home. Evidently, Smith asked Tullian to call me to officially break it off in Kim’s hearing. I received a frantic preemptive call from Tullian to inform me I would be receiving a “break-up” call and to just “go with it.” Later that day the call came, and a few hours later Tullian was back with me acting like nothing had happened. I wasn’t going to let him treat me or his wife or his counsel like that. I started to see then how much of a manipulator Tullian truly is. There was more to come …

Survivor of Tullian Tchividjian’s Alleged Clergy Sexual Abuse Goes Public with Her Story – Part 2

When people blame the abused, highlighting the sin of adultery, they do damage they don’t realize. They don’t understand what it is to be preened and how much self-blame the victim is already drowning in. I have been seeing a psychologist for the past year to deal with those issues. Many of Tullian’s victims I know well still have very raw wounds and ongoing issues.

Survivor of Tullian Tchividjian’s Alleged Clergy Sexual Abuse Goes Public with Her Story – Part 3

Confess the truth to your wife [Stacie] and to your fans on Twitter … stop with these weak, self-promoting generalizations. If you gave a hoot about us you would have told the world EXACTLY what you did and immediately paid back every single dollar you ever took. (And you would add to that the $150 a week several of us have been paying a psychologist for the past year or more.) If you were someone transparent or to be pitied, you would have fully confessed what you did to me and to my husband and children. You would have done all in your power to get us the help we needed. Instead, you left us in your trail of dust.

Survivor of Tullian Tchividjian’s Alleged Clergy Sexual Abuse Goes Public with Her Story – Part 4

I think this message is crucial. Some people are saying she wanted her moment of fame now that Tullian has moved along. That is not true. She has still maintained most of her privacy by only going by her first name; however, she is risking more harm to herself in her community where many people will know who she is. But she is putting that aside to help ensure more people are not harmed. Her private conversations with me have also underscored her intent.

Survivor of Tullian Tchividjian’s Alleged Clergy Sexual Abuse Goes Public with Her Story – Part 5


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